
Pourquoi privilégier des matières naturelles et biologiques ?

Why choose natural and organic materials?

In a world where fast fashion dominates , it becomes essential to rethink the way we consume clothing. Opting for natural and organic materials is not only an aesthetic or...

Why choose natural and organic materials?

In a world where fast fashion dominates , it becomes essential to rethink the way we consume clothing. Opting for natural and organic materials is not only an aesthetic or...

Comment la mode devient un outil d’expression identitaire ?

How does fashion become a tool for expressing i...

Fashion is much more than just a collection of clothes. It has always been a powerful means of expression , allowing individuals to claim their identity, culture and values ....

How does fashion become a tool for expressing i...

Fashion is much more than just a collection of clothes. It has always been a powerful means of expression , allowing individuals to claim their identity, culture and values ....

Pourquoi nous sommes tous issus du métissage ?

Why are we all mixed race?

Miscegenation is much more than a simple mixture of cultural or ethnic origins: it is a universal reality that has shaped humanity since the beginning of time. Whether through history,...

Why are we all mixed race?

Miscegenation is much more than a simple mixture of cultural or ethnic origins: it is a universal reality that has shaped humanity since the beginning of time. Whether through history,...

Les 10 indispensables d’un dressing streetwear minimaliste

The 10 essentials of a minimalist streetwear wa...

Minimalist streetwear is more than just a clothing style: it's a fashion philosophy that emphasizes simplicity, quality, and versatility . A well-thought-out streetwear wardrobe allows you to create timeless and...

The 10 essentials of a minimalist streetwear wa...

Minimalist streetwear is more than just a clothing style: it's a fashion philosophy that emphasizes simplicity, quality, and versatility . A well-thought-out streetwear wardrobe allows you to create timeless and...

Les Inspirations Culturelles Derrière METIS

The Cultural Inspirations Behind METIS

At METIS , we believe that identity is not limited to a single culture, a single origin or a single story . Our brand draws its essence from universal crossbreeding...

The Cultural Inspirations Behind METIS

At METIS , we believe that identity is not limited to a single culture, a single origin or a single story . Our brand draws its essence from universal crossbreeding...

Les Grands Personnages de l’Histoire Issus du Métissage

The Great Figures of History from Mixed Race

Mixed race is a wealth that has shaped the world . It has always been a source of diversity, innovation and cultural renewal. Visionary scientists, revolutionary artists, influential leaders …...

The Great Figures of History from Mixed Race

Mixed race is a wealth that has shaped the world . It has always been a source of diversity, innovation and cultural renewal. Visionary scientists, revolutionary artists, influential leaders …...